Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Monitoring Progress... It works! We promise.

Progress Monitoring
 for Tutors and Students

Interested in tracking fluency, comprehension and mathematics progress with your students weekly? 

What is the Purpose?
The purpose  of progress monitoring is to determine what underlying skill deficit might be leading to the student's word recognition, math measures or passage fluency and identify the appropriate measure to use to monitor the student's improving skill.

What should you expect?
Building fluency takes longer, but average growth is about 4-6 words per week. However, for ABE or ESL students  students whose tutors are specifically targeting fluency building, both parties should see the rate of growth exceed 6 words per week.  (Examples of other ways to target fluency include, using repeated readings, choral readings, and read a louds)

How often should I Progress Monitor?
 Word reading and Passage fluency: No more frequently than every other week.
 Comprehension and the Math measures, we recommend testing no more frequently than every 3 to 4 weeks.

We recommend using the Student Progress Graph  that we can send you if you call or e-mail us. 

How Can I get  these  CBMS?
There are many more CBMs located @
The user name is ProjectVITAL and the password is also – ProjectVITAL.

Please feel free to call us if you have questions and would like to learn more about how to take advantage of this FREE Progress Monitoring System.  815-835-6241 or e-mail me @           


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